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The holiday programme was facilitated by the chief social worker (Ms. Etrése De Klerk), two new junior social workers (Ms. Luleka Lipaphang and Ms. Tshidi Mokoena) along with Ms. Thembi Xaba (a volunteer). Ms. Lipaphang was appointed in March and Ms. Mokoena was appointed mid- June. Ms. Xaba is currently a grade 10 learner at Retief High School.

Christenburg Holiday Programme 2017

The holiday programme was facilitated by the chief social worker (Ms. Etrése De Klerk), two new junior social workers (Ms. Luleka Lipaphang and Ms. Tshidi Mokoena) along with Ms. Thembi Xaba (a volunteer). Ms. Lipaphang was appointed in March and Ms. Mokoena was appointed mid- June. Ms. Xaba is currently a grade 10 learner at Retief High School.

The holiday programme was a whole new experience to Ms. Lipaphang, Ms. Mokoena and Ms. Xaba. The programme covered a few of the human aspects namely; spiritual, psychological, educational, social etc. Ms. Lipaphang and Ms. Mokoena were responsible for the programme’s planning. All the children could speak and understand Afrikaans quite well. However, only the older ones could converse in English.

The sessions always started with a prayer followed by Christian nursery songs and then end with a prayer. One of the sessions was based on Christianity and the children learned a lot about Christian values. The children also enjoyed the activities they had to do such as creating masks based on their favourite superheroes, drawing a heart shape and then writing things they like and dislike, making crafts etc. They also enjoyed playing games, especially the coin game. The children learned a lot from the holiday programme.

Friday, 21st July 2017 was the last day of the holiday programme. During this session the children were mostly outdoors, they also made cars using finger cookies, Oreos and sweets (Creative minds right there… thanks to Ms. de Klerk.), and they also enjoyed hot chocolate and hotdogs. Unfortunately, the ending party ended on a sad note because Ms. Mokoena accidently got hit with a fist on the ear as she was trying to stop a fight between the two boys who were part of the holiday programme. What a welcome to Christenburg for Ms. Mokoena! Fortunately, there were no serious injuries.

Overall the holiday programme went well. The next holiday programme will be in the December holidays. Be ready “Christenburgers” … BHM Child Welfare is going to invade your space with their beautiful aura and contagious enthusiastic energy!!!

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1 comentario

deon erwee
deon erwee
29 mar 2019

One again we had a very successful holiday program. Children thrive on learning coping skills

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